Employment Opportunities

You may click on any of the following employment opportunities for more information. 

2024-2025 Vacancies

Middle School Teacher- (JOB DESCRIPTION) 

K-12 Special Education Teacher (JOB DESCRIPTION)

Teacher Pre-K-5 (JOB DESCRIPTION) 




Other Applications: These positions may not be vacant, applications are available for completion at any time. 

Teacher Pre-K-12 (JOB DESCRIPTION) 

K-12 Special Education Teacher (JOB DESCRIPTION)

Cafeteria Employees (JOB DESCRIPTION)


Educational Assistant (JOB DESCRIPTION)

ESP After School Worker 

School Nurse Substitute

Substitute Teacher (JOB DESCRIPTION)

Please contact Julie Norville at 731-286-3600 if you need additional information.

Current employees of Dyersburg City Schools should notify Julie Norville by email  (jnorville@dyersburgcityschools.org) stating their interest in the position.


This system does not discriminate on hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex or ancestry; or on the basis of a handicap not limiting the applicant’s ability to perform satisfactorily the job that is available.

Apply Now

Certified Salary Schedule

Non Certified Salary Schedule

Contact Information

Julie Norville, Personnel Director



Job Descriptions